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Railway Station franchises

CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
edited September 2019 in Gameplay
Hey All!

Fancy expanding your franchise? The following stations have spots available. If you'd like one (or more), then feel free to ask!

The list is in the format of the station name, followed by a list of available franchise spots. The numbers represent the amount of floor space available (e.g. 3 wide x 5 long = 15 blocks)

Each spot is indicated by a pink banner in-game.
  1. Arcadia: 15
  2. Brandywine: 40
  3. Falore: 9, 9, 12, 12, 12, 12
  4. Feverly Hills: 21, 21, 33, 48
  5. Kibarra: 550
  6. Lost: 15
  7. Nobityo: 35, ?, ?, ?
  8. Orikami: 750, 750, 755, 624, 624, 624
  9. Synagogue: 410
  10. Venezia Toria: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 88
  11. Withering: 120

I will update the list as I go around doing my post-1.13 update fixes to the railways.
Post edited by CoffeeAndChill on
